Picture Project

This Project is for a School Assignment

Project Description

We've learned a lot of CSS3 tecniques that can alter HTML elements, including shadows, gradients, and filters. Now it's time to see how well you understand how these techniques work. For this assignment, you will be provided with a collection of images. These images should be changed through the use of CSS3 properties to reflect the screenshots below.

Project Infomation and Resources

Click the Activity button below to download the source images. Then, click each screenshot below for a full-size view of each "project". Without using any image-editing software, take the source images and replicate the projects below using only HTML and CSS. Your versions do not have to be arranged in the layout shown. The focus of the assignment is demonstrating an understanding of more modern CSS techniques.


Imitations -- 6 points -- Each image project closely resembles the examples provided. (1 point each)

Online -- 1 point -- The image projects are on a web page on Neocities.

Start of Project


I have tried using Border Image Property for the football image on all 3 different browsers on my school provided laptop. However it doesnt work on any of them and I suspect that it is a newer css3 property that my browser does not support.

I submited an email on 11/15/2017 using the systems email. However I did not receive a responce back and therefore I am submiting the assignmentas is.